
Configuring boot servlet context and filters

A next step after you have bought into moving to java config and spring boot is tackling converting your web.xml to be configured programmatically. It is almost given that you will need to add an additional filters but there also might be a use case where you need to route additional servletmappings to the dispatch servlet. One migration tip is incrementally make your way by doing peeling one element or layer at at time.

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Find your way to give and get involved

On March 15 and 16 Dice, a leading career site for technology and engineering professionals, hosted a hackthon in Des Moines Iowa. If you aren't familiar, a hackathon is an event typically lasting several days, in which a large number of people meet to engage in collaborative computer programming. This event had thirty people in 13 teams with prizes over $10,000!

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Java 8 temporal queries

If you work in any business, specifically a financial institution, it is quite common while working with a date where you need to ask questions like what is the current quarter, is the market open today or are we in daylight savings. Luckily in Java 8 the date time api was completely overhauled to provide clarity in method constructs, cleaner readable code, immutable and extensible. As part of this overhaul, the TemporalQuery interface was introduced which can be used to retrieve information from a temporal-based object. In other words, it allows you to ask questions about a date. Let's look at a couple of examples.

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Spring boot application properties

If you started using spring boot or configured actuator for a traditional app, you probably have been introduced to the file. Your next thought is, where is the comprehensive list of properties that can be provided?

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Return empty arrays or collections, not nulls

Prefer empty collection to null is a basic java principle that stems from Effective java Item 43: return empty arrays or collections, not nulls. There are a few reasons to support it:

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