Print list

This example will show how to print a list of objects separating each element with a comma using java, java 8, guava, apache commons and spring framework. In the set up method we will define a list using guava's List collection utility named programmingLanguages and the expected output in string variable named languagesSeperatedByComma.


private List<String> programmingLanguages = Lists.newArrayList("java", "python", "ruby", "groovy");
private String languagesSeperatedByComma = "java,python,ruby,groovy";

Straight up Java

This snippet will show how to print out all the elements of a list separating them with a comma using straight up java. The join method will accept a separator and vararg of strings to join together. The test method will call join passing in the ArrayList and a comma as a separator.

private static String join(String separator, String... strings) {
    if (strings == null || strings.length == 0) {
        return "";
    } else if (strings.length == 1) {
        return strings[0];
    } else {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 1; i < strings.length; i++) {
        return sb.toString();

public void join_elements_in_list_java () {

    String elementsJoined = join(",", programmingLanguages.toArray(new String[programmingLanguages.size()]));
    assertEquals(languagesSeperatedByComma, elementsJoined);

Java 8

Using java 8 string joiner we will join a stream using Collectors.joining which will concatenates the input elements separated by specified delimiter, in this case a comma.

public void join_elements_in_list_java8 () {

    String elementsJoined = programmingLanguages

    assertEquals(languagesSeperatedByComma, elementsJoined);

Google Guava

This snippet will show how to join a collection of strings separating each element by a comma using Guava's Joiner object which joins pieces of text with a separator.

public void join_elements_in_list_guava () {

    String elementsJoined = Joiner.on(",").join(programmingLanguages);
    assertEquals(languagesSeperatedByComma, elementsJoined);

Apache Commons

This snippet will demonstrate how to convert a programmingLanguages arraylist into a comma separated value string using apache commons StringUtils.join. It will join the elements of the provided Iterable into a single String.

public void join_elements_in_list_apache_commons () {

    String elementsJoined = StringUtils.join(programmingLanguages, ",");
    assertEquals(languagesSeperatedByComma, elementsJoined);

Spring Framework

Springs implementation StringUtils.collectionToDelimitedString provides the same behavior above. This connivence method will return a arraylist as a string separated by a comma.

public void join_elements_in_list_spring () {

    String elementsJoined = org.springframework.util
            .StringUtils.collectionToDelimitedString(programmingLanguages, ",");

    assertEquals(languagesSeperatedByComma, elementsJoined);