Charmatcher example

Remove all lowercase letters

public void remove_all_lower_case_from_string () {

    String allButLowerCase = CharMatcher.JAVA_LOWER_CASE
            .retainFrom("B-double E double R U-N beer run");

    assertEquals("B- E  R U-N  ", allButLowerCase);

Trim leading spaces

public void trim_leading_spaces_from_string () {

    String leftTrimmedString = CharMatcher.WHITESPACE
            .trimLeadingFrom("       Some String       ");

    assertEquals("Some String       ", leftTrimmedString);

Trim trailing spaces

public void trim_trailing_spaces_from_string () {

    String rightTrimmedString = CharMatcher.WHITESPACE
            .trimTrailingFrom("       Some String       ");

    assertEquals("       Some String", rightTrimmedString);

Trim all spaces

public void trim_all_spaces_from_string () {

    String trimmedString = CharMatcher.WHITESPACE
            .trimFrom("       Some String       ");

    assertEquals("Some String", trimmedString);

Remove all * from string

public void remove_all_asterisk_from_string () {

    String stringWithoutAstricks ='*')
            .removeFrom("(* This is a comment.  The compiler will ignore it. *)");

    assertEquals("( This is a comment.  The compiler will ignore it. )",

Validate letter and digit

public void validate_all_charachters_in_string_is_digit_or_letter () {

    boolean randomPharse = CharMatcher.JAVA_LETTER_OR_DIGIT


Grade is passing

public void grade_within_passing_range () {

    boolean failedGrade = CharMatcher
            .inRange('A', 'C')


Obtain digits from telephone number

public void obtain_digits_from_telephone_number () {

    String telephoneNumber = CharMatcher

    assertEquals("1234567890", telephoneNumber);

    // worried about performance
    CharMatcher digits = CharMatcher

    String teleNumber = digits.retainFrom("123-456-7890");
    assertEquals("1234567890", teleNumber);

Count matching chars

public void count_number_of_matching_chars () {

    int numberOfDigits = CharMatcher.DIGIT.countIn("123-LevelUpLunch");

    assertEquals(3, numberOfDigits);

Collapse whitespace to dash

public void collapse_whitespace_dash () {

    String address = "505 Williams Street";

    String addressWithDash = CharMatcher.WHITESPACE.collapseFrom(address, '-');

    assertEquals("505-Williams-Street", addressWithDash);