Distinct elements in collection

This example will find the unique values or elements in a collection. The default behavior of set is that that it cannot contain duplicate elements and it should be used where applicable. In some cases you don't have a luxury of working with a collection of the the Set interface so you may need to use methods below to find the distinct elements.

Java 8

Distinct numbers

The distinct number example is using the IntStream but it can be subsituted with DoubleStream or LongStream.

public void distinct_elements_java8_numbers () {

    List<Integer> distinctIntegers = IntStream.of(5, 6, 6, 6, 3, 2, 2)


    assertEquals(4, distinctIntegers.size());
    assertThat(distinctIntegers, contains(
            5, 6, 3, 2));

Distinct strings

public void distinct_elements_java8_objects () {

    List<String> objects = new ArrayList<>();
    objects.add("Good morning");

    List<String> distinctObjects = objects.stream().distinct()


    assertEquals(3, distinctObjects.size());
    assertThat(distinctObjects, contains(
            "Hello", "World", "Good morning"));

Google Guava

public void distinct_elements_guava_objects () {

    List<Integer> integers = Lists.newArrayList(5, 6, 6, 6, 3, 2, 2);

    ImmutableSet<Integer> distinctIntegers = ImmutableSet.copyOf(integers);


    assertEquals(4, distinctIntegers.size());
    assertThat(distinctIntegers, contains(
            5, 6, 3, 2));