Year End Wrapup (2013 Edition)

Since this is our first year end wrap up, let's quickly recap how we got started. As outlined in About Us, this site was started in mid to late 2013 as a personal code reference site to help during code reviews. My goal during a code reviews is to be respectfully blunt and provide quality examples where folks can read, plop in the code and get the gist of it. I got tired of searching and landing on results that were too wordy, loaded slowly, weren't copyable and were more worried about SEO than solving problems.

It is always good to reflect on what went well and what needs improvement even though we had a small window to execute. I am excited where leveluplunch is and where it could go. My first initial commit for the exercises and examples was on September 12 and since then, for just working nights and weekends, a lot of progress was made.



Google analytics stats pulled from the audience & overview tab:

  • Visits - 735
  • Unique visits - 135
  • Page views - 4490
  • Average visit duration - 7:06

General site

The site contained the following pages:

2013 High level milestones

  • domain purchased
  • Pick the right technology stack (for now) - Amazon S3 and jekyllrb
  • Basic site set up such as layout, comments, bootstrap, etc. A special thanks to @ericponto for all his help.
  • Hosted all examples and exercises on github and linked to source from pages
  • Integrated travis-ci
  • Related examples. While this seems simple, a static site will challenge the way you think about solving problems.
  • Solicited help with logo
  • Purchased a mic and recorded a couple of screen casts that are waiting to be published

2014 High Level Goals

  1. Continue creating content while finding the right balance so burnout doesn't set it
  2. Logo
  3. Increase site traffic
  4. Provide value to an already saturated community

Thanks to all those who I have spent time brain boarding, looking forward to 2014!